Wednesday 30 May 2012


I was hoping that I would come back with a whole attire wardrobe worth of goodies, alas the shopping goddess was not smiling on me that much. However, I did treat myself to Norma, she is my new favourite dress, she is stained and seen better days, but my isn't she beautiful? I also purchased some vintage porcelain and a silver tray, and a little crystal bowl to store my kirby grips oh and my lovely found that lovely shell for me, so I didn't do too badly! 

If you ever happen to be in Totnes do take a trip to Revival, the prices were rather steep for my budget but to look at all the gorgeous shawls, hats and dresses is a treat. 

I fell for this beautiful dress but alas she was too small for my Dolly Parton bust. 
On a side note can anyway advise on storage of photos for blogger? it seems I have reached my 1gb limit, has this happened to any of you lovelies? and if so what did you do? pay extra for more storage or just stop x-large-ing all ya pics?  Any help would be much appreciated! 


  1. I'd love to spend lots of money in that shop, too bad I don't have any money! I'm currently using Flickr to upload my pictures, they have a monthly limit but I never cross that limit because I don't upload so many pictures :) .

    1. You would need a small loan to spend a lot in there, but it is gorgeous! Ahh I have had a play around with flickr I am still rather confused, you can't really compose proper posts via flickr, well I can't seem to! Thank you for your tip! x

  2. Thankfully, I haven't reached my limit yet, but it's totally sucky to have to pay extra for more storage. I've got a premium flickr account, because I upload my photos to my laptop but the Photoshop is on Paul's PC and that seemed the easiest way to transfer everything. I can't believe they only allow 1GB of storage! Some of us have years and years of blogging! Eeek.

    I absolutely adore transferware. I have a red-and-white Governor's Palace at Colonial Williamsburg plate. Most of my stuff is blue and white or brown and white, but I always want to buy the red and green pieces, as well! I'm hopeless.

    1. It sounds like flickr is going to be the best bet! Would love to have Photoshop!
      Me too, I would love some blue and white plates as well, they were so cheap too £1.50 for the big one and 40p for the other! xx

  3. Oh my wow, Norma is a beauty! Ooohhh so can't wait to visit this shop, it's deffo the one my bro's girlfriend was telling me about. I'll have to save my pennies for it.
    I use Flickr too darling, it's so good and worth paying the extra money so you can have unlimited. xxx

    1. There is so much to look at in the shop, I began to get arm ache wading through all the racks and piles. There was some gorgeous piano shawls that reminded me of you. Flickr it is then just need to figure out how to post properly from it aha xxx
