Friday 28 June 2013

The coffin bells are ringing

I've wanted to visit Abney Park Cemetery ever since I saw the post of the beautiful Kelly Marie there.  It seems that dog walkers and runners are the main visitors. It was so pretty, I think it is the macabre romantic in me that loves wandering around such cemeteries. 


  1. I love seeing pictures of Abney Park Cemetery, it's so interesting and beautiful. I would love to get there for a visit myself, I must make the effort to go sometime soon.

  2. Now that's my sort of thing! Shame it's nowhere near where I live...

  3. This is so interesting and fascinating! I would love to visit every single old cemetery in Europe, at least! :)

  4. What a beautiful place... the statues are stunning too...

  5. Oh, what a magnificent place!!! I love visiting old cemeteries this time of year; the lush foliage & vines over everything is just so divinely gorgeous.

  6. I love these photos. It looks so beautiful, there! x
