Wednesday 12 September 2012

Housepiration: La Isla Bonita

I have been obsessed with this video ever since I was little, mainly because of the man with long hair and the flamenco dress. But now it is inspiring me décor wise, lots of candles, lace curtains and beautiful tiles that's what I want. 


  1. O, yes! I had quite forgotten about this.That flamenco frock is totally swoony, and all the candles, the red....there's a Caribbean voodoo-y flavour, and you can just feel the island breezes....makes me want a margarita!X

    1. How could you forget?! Hah oh it is definitely very swoony, and a dash of voodoo wouldn't go a miss! xx

  2. And... now I can't get the lyrics out of my head.
