Thursday 14 February 2013

I love you like a crow loves pecking eyes from dying sheep

Happy Valentine's day beautiful people, I do hope your day was spent with loved ones. I have spent a wonderful evening with my lovely man, we have eaten take away and ordered housey things. And oh yeah I pratted around with our new rose garland meant for the house, but I knew I would drape it around my person pretending I am Ophelia. 

This dress is a favourite of mine I can barely fit my bosom in it mind you, not sure when it dates from, but the strappy back is dreamy. 

I was spoilt rotten, did you spoil anyone or get spoiled?

P.S. The title is from my favourite 'love song' How Many Ways by The Rohan Theatre Band



  1. I don't blame you for having so much fun with the flowers, I would be exactly the same! I would like to award you with a Liebster award:

    1. Aha glad I am not the only one who thinks this way. Thank you so much for the award :) xxx

  2. What a lovely sentiment, darling! ;-) I'll admit to having a soft spot for crows, but I saw more than enough sheep to last me my entire life during 4 days in the middle of nowhere in a cottage in Wiltshire. There were more sheep than people x100.

    That is such a pretty dress. Love the Valentine, too, and I think you're totally spoiled rotten for getting something from AP. But what's wrong with that?

    1. Aha thank you, I always have and ravens of course ;) I spoilt him rotten too so only fair eh?! x

  3. I daresay you also got ravaged, looking gorgeous like that! XXX

  4. Enchantingly lovely photos - I'd swaddle myself in that rose garland, too, were it mine and really see no reason why it should ever be relegated sole to a home decor role when it looks so gorgeous on you.

    ♥ Jessica

    1. So glad you agree with the garland being used as an accessory aha. Thank you for the sweet compliment x

  5. I want something from Agent Provocateur so badly.

    1. I have literally wanted some AP since I was a teenager!

  6. That dress is stunning and works so well with the garland. They were made for one another!

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