Saturday 9 February 2013


I watched Hitchcock tonight, which I thoroughly recommend, absolutely stunning performances from Anthony Hopkins and Helen Mirren, and they were perfectly complimented by a supporting cast which included Scarlett Johansson, Toni Colette and Michael Stuhlbarg - whom I love, especially his eyebrows. If your a Hitch fan definitely watch it, it is completely different to the BBC's The Girl. Alma is portrayed as Hitch's backbone who is integral to his films, not a bitter and twisted wife who is left to the sideline like in The Girl. 

However back to the point,  during the trailers I discovered my next eagerly anticipated film, Stoker, it is directed by Chan-wook Park, one of my favourite directors. a Famous for The Vengeance trilogies, Oldboy and I'm A Cyborg But That's Okay. It certainly helps that I am slightly in love with Mia Waiskowska, her characters clothes are making my little heart flutter. Not to mention the use of Death in Vegas Dirge, always makes me feel like a David Lynch femme fatale in Hollywood. What do you think of the trailer?


  1. Brillinat.
    I have to go deeper into it.
    Happy weekeend.

  2. Wow this looks like it will be creepy-in-a-good-way. Love that you mentioned David Lynch. Paul and I are watching Twin Peaks on Netflix right now. Isn't it awesome?

    1. Definitely and the clothes oh my. I totally need twin peaks boxset! x

  3. I can't wait to watch this film! Mia looks mesmerizing as a brunette. There's something dark and evil about her look and I love it, I'm dying to see her acting... This flick screams Lolita meets Wednesday Addams ahaha^^

  4. I am definitely interested. Great cast (Matthew Goode - so creepy in this but still so attractive) It looks creepy and brilliant and I love that it is inspired by Shadow of a Doubt (even though the DVD case actually spoiled the plot of that film for me haha) and if I don't see it in a cinema I will throw a tantrum ;) (to follow from Instagram IMDB says it'll be released in Australia in August.)

    1. It does look superbly creepy and stylish, when will we ever get to see Vamps?! x

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Hitchcock has just opened here, and I am very keen to see it.
    Stoker looks fantastic, nice and moody and damned odd, with a great soundtrack. I even think Nicole Kidman's forehead moved a little! Hopefully we'll get it here!
    Ha, you noticed the Florence and the Machine lyric! I've been meaning to say that you've got me rather into her!! I love that song, the album is brillant-she's certainly from the same family of musical vision and detail as Kate Bush-and I have ordered the second album! Took a while, but you convinced me of her fabulousness!
