Monday 7 October 2013

Be my druidess

Autumn and Winter are my favourite months sartorially speaking, the chance to layer up my petticoats get my elbow length leather gloves out and go for long walks amongst crispy leaves. As the weather is so appalling here I might as well embrace the dark side. I am getting so excited for Halloween, I had a costume epiphany on Saturday I need to get ordering my supplies! I am currently snuggled up in bed watching From Hell. Hope you are having a lovely week thus far and do let me know how you a preparing for the upcoming season be it summer or winter! 

Images via pinterest and my personal backlog of ridiculous amount of inspiration images.


  1. A costume epiphany! That's what I need... Mind you, I've only just started cogitating on the matter of Halloween and what to dress as, so I'll wait a little while for the sparks to fly before I start panicking... I can't wait to see the result of your epiphany and subsequent crafting in a few weeks' time.

    Down here in the south the weather's actually still quite mild so, unlike you, I'm still embracing the lighter clothes while I can... Although a part of me is itching to get into the autumn clothes already, I know those layers are going to be around to enjoy much longer than any summer weather ever is! I have the feeling autumn may descend this weekend though - at which point I will excitedly run outside in layers to embrace the crisp air.

    PS Is that a _real_ cat on the catwalk?? Awesome! (Though I hope he's not too bothered by the bright lights...)

    1. I was worried mine would never come to me! Its nothing out of the ordinary but just combines some of my favourite spooky elements! Just won myself some material to get making.
      It is always milder down south, it's still rather mild up north to be honest!
      I know poor pussy cat, it does look so beautiful though! x

  2. Ooooh, yessssss! Love that Lolita book purse (I'd want a different book, but the colour of the cover and concept)>Anyway, divine images!

    1. I know love the Olympia Le Tan book bags!

  3. I can't wait to see your costume! I need to find shoes and make or get some blood for mine. I just hope the friend I'm meant to be going out with doesn't let me down as she usually does!

    1. I can't wait to see yours, your league of their own is still one of my favourites! Get on eBay they have great fake blood, aaw man I would go with you! x

  4. love the Russian mink hat with the oversized pink woll jacket! xxx

  5. Omg, I love this post. So much gorgeousness!!!I am in mad love with that little black kitty.My favorite kind :-)once again you've filled a moment with luxury.XO
