Thursday 10 October 2013

Cycling Sunday

Two weekends ago I finally dusted off my poor triumph bike that has been neglected for nearly a year, oops. I love cycling I am not very good at it, but its one of my favourite forms of exercise that and DIY aha. Ben is a far more serious cyclist that I, so it was a challenge to keep up with him. He promised me that we could cycle to Barnes Hospital, a place that spooks him, but holds not only architectural joy to me but also a personal attachment. Built in 1875 this French Gothic revival building looks like a set for a Tim Burton film, it has been left to complete ruin, much to to my chagrin and is fenced up and barbed wired in to prevent further vandalism. Apparently, four local businessmen have purchased it to renovate into living spaces, but rumours of renovation have bubbled to the surface before. 

The hospital served as a place for soldiers to recuperate during the Second World War and it was where my Dad stayed after he recovered from a head injury in 1989, I had no memory of ever seeing my dad there was probably too young to go, strange how things come around.

The hospital was used as a location for British Zombie film, The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue, one for the Halloween watch list perhaps.


  1. Barnes Hospital is beautiful. To bad you couldn't go exploring inside. It would be a really amazing place to live. I need to do some more bike riding too. Unfortunately, summer is over. Glad you got to take your Triumph out for ride, though.

    1. I know tis most annoying. Hope you manage to get a bit cycling in!

  2. I love the photos of the hospital, how creepy and utterly wonderful. I'm not at all surprised it was used for a zombie film.

  3. There is such an inordinate amount of amazing buildings in the UK, ruined, decrepit, deserted and otherwise!
    Barnes Hospital reminds a bit of the Red House, actually. Shame one can't get in to explore and do photoshoots! It's always the way.
    Good on you for getting your bike out! Loos to have been a lovely day for it, did you take a picnic, or was it all serious-like?!
    Re last post, I've been waiting for you to herald in Halloween season!

    1. There is me and Ben need to off on more adventures, we don't appreciate what's on your doorstep half the time. No,no picnic the weather was a bit iffy when we set off. Oh you know I adore Halloween, so busy with house things will start soon! xxxx

  4. What a great location! I like to cycle, too, and I'm also not very good at it. I actually didn't learn until I was 21 and I don't get as much practice as I ought to, although Wichita is pretty bike-friendly. Paul even bikes to work when it's nice.

    Hopefully renovation will happen this time. It's too sad to see old buildings going to ruin.

    1. It is so lovely. Aah glad I am not the only one, my day was a professional cyclist so it doesn't seem to have been passed to me hah. It is so sad, especially when it's so close to home! xx
